There are many products on the market that claim to ‘reverse time’ or ‘slow down aging’. However, as the majority of people learn from bitter experience, most of those are empty promises. So, is there any truth to anti-aging vitamins, and if there is, which of them actually work?
The most important thing you have to understand that this isn’t a ‘black and white’ case scenario. On one hand, there isn’t some miracle pill that can smooth out your wrinkles and make you look 20 again. At least, such products aren’t available yet. However, scientists the world over research the aging mechanisms trying to find efficient ways to really stop and reverse this process.
On the other hand, the current level of science has allowed producing a variety of products that can affect the natural aging process. They might not stop it as a whole, but they can influence individual ‘symptoms’, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, age spots, etc. This means that good anti-aging vitamins really exist, you just need to choose them wisely.
Anti-Aging Vitamins or Creams: Which Is Best?
While the supplement market is filled with products that help slow down aging from the inside, the cosmetics industry offers a far greater number of options. Today you can find creams, serums, and lotions that often contain the same active ingredients as anti-aging vitamins. This makes many people believe that these cosmetics can replace the supplements.
In fact, quite a few consumers think that creams are more effective than pills as they are applied topically. Therefore, they affect the skin directly and immediately.
The truth of the matter is a bit more complicated.
One can’t argue that topical beauty remedies work and often produce visible results within days. At the same time, the reason that allows them to do so is also the cause of their limited efficiency.
The problem with anti-aging cosmetics is that they can only affect your skin so far. They don’t penetrate into the deeper levels of tissue. They also don’t have the power to affect your cells on the deep level necessary to influence the aging process that encompasses your whole body.
Anti-aging vitamins do have this power, and they literally help slow down the natural deterioration of tissues from the inside. In the meantime, the ‘visible’ effects of taking these supplements aren’t as obvious as brighter skin you get after applying a whitening cream. They also take a much longer time to appear, because the product affects your body’s metabolism. This creates a ripple-like effect that takes a while to reach your skin. These vitamins are also limited in what they can do. For example, they can’t remove existing age spots or literally fill out the wrinkles as some types of beauty therapy.
Considering the differing effects of cosmetics and supplements the only right way to use them in order to achieve the best results is to combine both. Nourish and moisturize your skin with creams and lotions that contain various antioxidants and other anti-aging elements. At the same time, take appropriate vitamins to enhance their effects and make them last longer.
Top 3 Anti-Aging Vitamins for Different Occasions
Like it always is with supplements, you need to choose the product that meets your specific needs. There is no all-in-one solution, so find out what your main issues are first. Then, find a vitamin that can help with them. Consulting a professional cosmetician and/or dietician might help.
In most cases, the best anti-aging supplements are:

Biotin 10,000mcg.
Biotin makes your hair shinier and stronger. It also helps maintain the cellular structure of the skin and keeps it hydrated. -
CoQ10 120mg.
This is a renowned anti-aging enzyme that promotes cell maintenance and is a potent antioxidant. -
This is a true anti-aging vitamin in that it’s a concentrate of vitamin C. It’s an important antioxidant that helps prevent collagen from breaking down.