The reality of coconut oil benefits is a highly debated topic these days and it’s impossible to determine what the truth is. This product has been considered a superfood for years with millions of people using it daily to boost their health and appearance. However, with the study published by the American Heart Association on June 15th 2017, many started to doubt the truth of this oil’s beneficial nature. This controversial research has shown that coconut oil contains as much saturated fat as red meat. So, does this mean that it’s actually bad for you?
No, as it turns out, being a source of saturated fats doesn’t negate the benefits of coconut oil.
In fact, some of its positive effects on health come from the fact that this food provides you with fats. Not all of them are created equal, and this does not only mean the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats. Humans require both types of these elements to stay alive, so excluding all varieties of lipids from your diet is never a good idea. The important thing to understand is that there is a limit to how much fat you need, what kind, and how to get them in the safest and most efficient way.
Benefits of Coconut Oil Fats for Weight Loss
When it comes to coconut oil, its saturated fat content consists largely from MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) as opposed to LCTs (long-chain triglycerides). Studies prove that consuming more MCTs helps one lose weight more effectively. This alone provides evidence to the benefits of coconut oil supplements for weight loss.
Those, who argue against recognizing coconut oil as a superfood, fall back on the studies where replacing all saturated fats with unsaturated provided a more significant effect. However, most people disregard one essential fact.
The presence of more effective superfoods or supplements doesn’t negate the benefits of coconut oil.
Yes, it’s true that coconut oil might not be a magical cure to obesity. However, one cannot ignore its contribution to this fight and the positive changes that occur by switching to coconut oil as your main cooking fat.
Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin and Hair

Taking a coconut oil supplement for enhancing one’s natural beauty is a common practice for celebrities. Pop-icons, like Gwyneth Paltrow, endorse this superfood for the ways it makes one’s skin glow and hair shine. Whether applied as a mask or taken as a supplement, like Nature’s Potent Coconut Oil 1000mg, this product helps to moisturize your skin. It also contains vitamin E, which is a potent antioxidant.
Again, those arguing against coconut oil claim that there are products that contain more vitamin E (some seeds). They also remind everyone that fresh fruits, berries, and vegetables contain a far greater amount of antioxidants.
Both those facts are true. However, this also doesn’t negate that coconut oil has all those elements. Therefore, it can benefit you by fueling your body with them.
Should Your Trust in the Benefits of Coconut Oil?
Despite the presence of controversial information about this product, one can be 100% sure that coconut oil is nutritious. It has also proven to have a positive effect on health, weight loss, and beauty. Millions of people have tried using coconut oil as a beauty supplement or weight loss aid over the years. The Internet is full of their stories, so you can easily find info on real personal experiences.
In regards to scientific studies, it’s true that coconut oil contains saturated fats. However, all oils do, and humans need some fats in their diet. Therefore, as long as you don’t overindulge, using coconut oil for cooking can be nothing but beneficial.
Finally, there are studies, which prove that some foods are ‘better’ than coconut oil. But they don’t disprove the known and tested benefits of this product.
The verdict is yes, coconut oil can be good for you when taken wisely as a part of a well-balanced diet plan.